After watching the video still I’m still not satisfied and I went to dig more about it and found a website “Pregnant Man: Real or Hoax?” In one paragraph it mentions “Curiously, the Web site has been up since 1999, and Mr. Lee is apparently still pregnant! Either the poor man has been in labor for nearly a decade (talk about a rough delivery!), or the story is a fake. Of course, Mr. Lee doesn't exist; the Web site is a hoax created as performance art by an artist named Virgil Wong.”
I did find another case was in

As I enter the my house, I’m surprise to see my parents at home as I thought they were back to hometown this morning to visit my aunty who’s not feeling well. And my dad just broke the news to me that my aunty just ‘migrated’. I’m pretty sure u know what is the meaning of migrate, to move from one country or place, and for our case, it is to move on to the next life.
This aunt is actually my mom’s eldest sister, she has a laugh like Lydia Sum and so is the size of her heart. In my memories of her has always been a very compassionate mother, she may talk loudly but with passion, she may grumble but with love. And she cooks the best sweet and sour salted fish fried eggs. I’m definitely going to miss her laugher that fills the room and the cooking aroma that fill the kitchen hallway.
Mdm. Chew Phaik See, age 72. She will be greatly missed by all of us who knows her for who she is. Have a pleasant journey to a new world

So I guess the technology is still not up to date yet, where a real man could be pregnant yet as you think he could. What would the society thinks, if man could get pregnant? Do people against it or supporting it?

It seems like
Besides the magazine, I find that online shopping for music like iTunes,
I thought we have move far in technologies but I guess we are not comparing to other countries. Hopefully in time will change all these for a better future.

Just let me briefly talk about these infamous psychopath. Albert Fish born in 1870, devout Christian, married in 1898 and a father of six children. When the wife eloped in 1917, Fish’s perversions boiled to the surface and he began indulging in coprophilia, inserting alcohol soaked cotton wool balls into his anus and lighting them and getting his children to beat him bloody with a nail studded paddle while inserting needles into his genitals and I think I’m going to spare you the other details.
In respond to a article in 1928, he called himself as Frank Howard and convinces the Budds family to take the 12 year old Gracie to a local children’s party, and that was the lat time they saw of her. Six years later, in 1934, the family received a letter which read, in part:
“I took Gracie to an empty house in the country, I grabbed her and she said she would tell her mamma. First I stripped her naked. How she did kick, bite and scratch. I choked her to death, and then cut her into small pieces so I could take my mean to my rooms, cook it and eat it. How sweet and tender her little ass was roasted in the oven. It took me nine days to eat her entire body. I did not fuck her, though I could have. She died a virgin”
The letter was traced to Fish and police caught him. Fish was delighted to die in the chair, describing it as the “ultimate experience in pain”
This is just one story that I’m telling and there are many more of this kind of sick stories you could find in the internet and magazines. Sometimes you just wonder what is going on in these people mind. Or actually all of us are psychopath in some ways but it’s just being suppress deep inside us and locked away until someday, someone comes along to unlock it. Which I don't think anyone wants that to happen.

I see people begging for money in some parts of
It seems like she’s begging the money to be given to her son who beats the hell out of her if she couldn’t get enough money for the day. The son would actually take the money and goes to his favorite leisure place, Genting Highlands. That is so sad to have a son that beats the mom and ask her to beg for money, what has the world gone into. Even sometimes you see people begging for money, you will be thinking whether to give or not? What do they do with the money? Will they take the money to buy alcohol? Or drugs? Nobody knows. That time I wonder whether we actually help him/her or actually we have ruined their lives. Or they rather leave this what they think is a ugly world ASAP. But who are we to take ones life, right?

So, how about you? Do you need to see first in order to believe? Sometimes what we see on TV may not be true. Just like any detergent that advertised on TV or print ads, it claims to remove all types of stain and you went and buy it. But in the end it is not what they claims to be. Den some you see in the shopping malls, they even do a live demonstration of their products just to convince the customers. Because it’s human nature to see then only believe.
But yet there are things that you see yet you still doubt yourself whether to believe or not because the things you see are too out of the ordinary world. Just like what David Blaine & David Copperfield did, it is way out of what a normal human being can do, after seeing you still doubting yourself whether to believe or not. Whether it’s real or just illusion? That I leave it up to individual to believe it or not.

O! Come on, snap out of it! Once it’s over, it’s over never thought of turning back. Time and tide wait for no man, the time doesn’t move backwards but only forward. The world maybe a beautiful place, but not such a perfect picture after all. When one is high and mighty up on the throne, the harsh reality of life slowly slipping into their body and running through the veins. That is also depending on individual. You can always read them on the newspaper, that when one is famous, they’ll end their relationship with their lover. For whatever reasons it is, we don’t know as we’re just a normal human being without any status to our name.
So, girls and guys, if you’re dump by some celebrity or someone famous. Just forget about it and moved on. He/She can be so cold hearted and playing the game, why should you be the lab rat being tested and dissect for experiment and in the end the rubbish bin you go. The world can be a beautiful picture depending on how you see it. Take the right prescription and stop the pain that cause by harsh reality. Always remember once you have been cured, your body will have better immune system don’t let it break you down to pieces.

But once when you are there for a long time, like work place, these things are unavoidable. No matter what happens, news spread like virus. Before you can contain it, it is already out and seems like everybody knows about it. Unless you are totally see, hear and speak no evil. Then you are in a shell of your own. At times I do think it is a good thing. One thing for sure, good news never leaves home, bad news travel miles. That is for sure.
It is natural when you see and hear so much, you will tend to say it out. Whenever there is input, there must be output, it’s the law. We can’t change the fact. So in order not to see, hear and speak no evil, stay away from these people but how long can you stay away? People will say you are anti-social. So it’s a choice we will have to make, to join or not to join as part of them. But it’s natural we will join, my only advise those who keep his lips are wise.

Someone who sits there and hope nothing will happen.
Someone who sits there and hope something will happen.
Someone who makes things happen.
So, back to the question, which category do you fall into or it is little here and there? Depending situations as well, but one you’re in that category most likely you’ll be like that, as it is already in you to be like tat. Unless you make the change yourself, if not you’ll be in the same category for the rest of your life.

And in the Christian context, love is actually divided into basically four types of love:-
Agape – this is basically selfless and charitable kind of love
Phileo – are the brotherly or sisterly love
Storge – love between the parents and children
Eros – the names says it all, the sexual love
And in Ancient Greek context love is divided into five. Four of them are exactly the same as the above. Just this additional one:-
And do you know love is divided into so many categories? Same may know and some may not know and I got to know when I’m in my teens. Even there are so many songs is about love, be it in love or break ups. How interesting can love be? It seems like everything centered around it and evolve around it as well. It’s definitely the most powerful weapon one could have.
Love is kind,
Love is wise.
But love can make you blind,
And leave you cold as ice.

I’ve always wonder what is going on in their mind? What triggers them to become what they are now? Are they really insane or they’re just hiding themselves from the harsh reality of this world. Been hurt by loved ones? Been cheated by close friend? Been betrayed by family? Nobody just go insane without a reason, everybody do things for a reason. Whether the reasons are in good intention or bad but still there is a reason.
If one could be in such state of insanity, I think it is very serious damage that has been done upon oneself. And I do believe everybody has a level of insanity in them and what could actually trigger it? Nobody knows, accept for God and yourself.

In any competitions there is bound to be a winner and of course the loser. But no worries, there is no loser in any competition, just that they’re not as good but not that they’re bad. If they’re bad, they would have not been selected in the first place. Everybody is unique, everybody has their own target audience. Some like Rhythm & Blues, some like Heavy Metal we can decided for people what they like. Or both have the style of singing but have different voice and the outcome is different. Always bear in mind that, we can’t please everybody. You’ve done your part and you know you put all your best that is all that matters. No regrets in the path you have taken, turning back won’t help just move forward. One door closes other doors open to more opportunities. Look at the brighter side.
You and I, both have read the book call ‘The Secret’, why let these little things bother you where you can do greater things. Believe you have been selected and feeling damn happy about it. That’s what you should be thinking and put your ‘Secrets’ to practice. It sounds easier to be said and done, but if you never try, you will never know. “Belum
Gambateh!!!!! I believe and have faith in you!!!

But given a change I would actually try and see how it tastes like. In actual fact the taste will linger in your tongue for hours, base on what I’ve read but seems like it’s not a good review about it. So, would you actually go and try if given a chance to do so? When the economy plunges, people will find ways to survive even eating dirt. And I do not wish this is going to happen to our beautiful country.

I still miss the old ways of living, but man has to move forward. The toys we use to play are no longer in productions, even the toys industries have moved forward as well. But what I miss the most is actually the building that we use to see and lived in, our culture and traditions are all been shield in these buildings. Remember running through the hall ways, falling down from the stairways, dining in the kitchen with family members, all these are now history. It does put a smile on my face as I dig up these memories that have been stored somewhere in my archive.
But how are we going to cohesive both that we won’t lose our identity and yet moving forward. Is it necessary to for go either one, in order to achieve the other? I’m pretty sure is not necessary and there is definitely a way, it is a matter of time.

I guess we human too at time need a little force in order for things to move. After awhile we stay in complacency and bound to the environment, we’ll get lazy. No motivation to move forward. So I guess at time we have been force to do thing that we might not like but end the end we might just learn something out of it. It’s just funny how the pigeon teaches the young to fly and do we human uses the same way to teach our children? I guess we do, if have some children who are very stubborn in characters. It’s for their own good just like the pigeon did for the young.
So if you’re those who don’t like to be pushed around, learn to fly before you’re being force to. Be more self-initiative, people around you will thinks you’re helpful and caring. If you don’t learn how to fly, you’re going to fall flat on your face.

I’ve few friends already working in places like
Dream by day,
Dream by night,
Dreaming a way,
To kiss this place good bye.

I’ve learned so much from her program just as much as I’ve learned from the National Geographic. After watching her program, it opens up a lot of windows for me to see the world as it is. Things you never knew it could be done, she did it. What I admired her most, was the fact that most of her program relates to a lot of negative stuff like death, sorrow, abuse, homeless and etc. It takes a woman with strong determination and will power to face all the situations she is in. If she’s not strong enough she would probably fall into depression, because of her job. I guess it take years of experience in order to face such situations. There are tears of sorrow and of course not forgetting the tears of joy. What always put back a smile on our face at the end of the show.
She has a big heart as well, as she has this ‘The Oprah Winfrey Foundations” that provide grants to not-for-profit organizations that offer education opportunities and enhance the quality of life for children and families throughout the world. We actually need more influential people to make a change to the way people think and live our lives. She definitely doing a great work here making things possible for the needy and making people’s life happy.

I think people are too ignorant about the planet earth conditions. People are busy with their own life, worrying what the future holds. What is there to worry if the planet earth depletes, you and I won’t be here anymore. Everything have to start some where, why not now! Change the way we live to save the planet earth we are living in. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable, it stays the same conditions even after 500 years in the soil. Paper bags are made from trees, the more trees the better to help us built back the ozone layer. The ozone layer it’s getting thinner by the day and the harmful rays are getting close to burning our delicate skin.
Change your habits to a brighter future, if not there won’t be a future for us. I’ve always wanted to get myself involve in some project to save out beautiful planet earth. And I’ve been introduce by a friend about this project by ‘juslife’ to Adopt a Project to save the planet earth. I encourage you to join to save our planet, save our future.

I think it is important what do we feed this hungry soul of ours? If we feed it with the wrong food, we’ll feel down or at times depress or rage. All these bad and negative emotions will be created if we feed it with the wrong soul food. Be wise not to let it get into you. Always keep in control what you put into your soul. A happy soul gives you longevity. If you grief in your soul, it will slowly eating you up from the inside out. And you’ll start to do silly things hurting yourself and worst of all people around you will get hurt too be it mentally or physically.

I do believe in sharing knowledge with people, no point keeping them and bring it to the grave when you die. If there are people who are willing to learn, I’m definitely more than willing to teach and share my knowledge. You can actually see so many different types of students in the class and it really amazes me, besides shapes and sizes. Their mentality towards design are just like new born babies, constantly need to be pump with information into their systems. But yet there are so many different types of students, some of their processor are so slow and some are just meant for it. And some just need some guidance and their on their way.
At first I actually doubt myself whether I can make it as a lecturer or not? But ever since I’ve started, I kind of enjoy what I’m doing. And it just makes me happy when some students can really produce good work that you would never actually think off. And yet there some students still need quite a bit of polishing work to be done. But whatever it is, I think I’m obligated to teach and share my knowledge as lecturer responsibilities and I’m more than willing to do so. But it’s just at times I’ve to be someone else that is outside of my comfort zone.
I do wish all my students will come out to this harsh working world prepared. And I do believe some may not be back in the same field as what they studied. But whatever you’ve learn it is never put to waste.
Knowledge is power, Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family. ~ Kofi Annan

I guess everything comes with a cost, I believe to achieve this happy life definitely comes with a price as well. What would be the right and perfect ingredient to achieve a happy life? But the ingredient to a happy life of mine may not be the right ingredient for others. As we are very special individual that separates us a part from the rest of the people, the uniqueness we have that others may not have. So I believe everybody do have their own recipe to a happy life. But then again I guess the basic ingredient might just be the recipe to make Power Puff Girls, sugar and spice and everything nice, the base ingredient to a happy life. Everybody has their dream life, how they want their live to be. I’ve mine and I believe you have got yours too. Everybody’s perfect happy life would be different. I hope you found your “Recipe to a Happy Life”, while I’m still perfecting my ingredient.
Happy searching for the ultimate perfect ingredient and never gives up! Cause we deserve every part of it.

A lot of times in my field, what we think its aesthetic in design but it may not be the same for the clients we face. Everybody has their own perception of aesthetic. So I guess it’s “One man’s food is another man’s poison” what more can I say? I can’t shove the design down the client’s throat, which is totally unethical. The clients are the people who are staying in the house and they should know better the way they live their lives and how things should be done. All we can do is only to take in as much information as possible to create an aesthetic livable home for a satisfied client.
To create something that have both elements of aesthetic with functionality needs a lot of research and time, a lot of R&D involved. It is not impossible but I guess it’s the time spent to create something that has all the elements would be costly. As you can see some designer’s piece is sky flying high price, it’s because the time spent on R&D. As a designer which one would you go for, aesthetic or functionality or a mixture of both? I guess one simple way to apply these elements would be, use the aesthetic element for show units and functionality for home user. The reason for doing so would be very simple, aesthetic for show units because it’s a show case place for developer to sell the home. As long as the aesthetic looks great and can sell, functionality is only secondary. Where as for home user, functionality would the priority and aesthetic would come in second place, but to some client it’s as important as aesthetic.
So being a designer it’s never an easy job and we have to constantly out do ourselves to move to the next level. Creativity has no boundaries and no limits.
I do believe everyone knows what is the major function a sponge can do? To absorb liquid as mush as possible till it’s totally full. So is a kids mind when they’re between the age from one to three, it’s a growing sponge that can absorb as many information possible. During this time, it’s the right time to teach them all the important things, from financial to bonding, respect, sharing and caring. There are so many values of life if I were to list them down.
At this tender age, absorbing information it’s as easy as ABC as long as you put them in a simple application for them to understand. As we grow older it’s harder for us to absorb that much as we lost the elastic to absorb so much information. And the way we live our lives has been fix, a habit has develop. I regretted a I’ve not learn all these things when I was still young and I’m learning the hard way as I’m living through my live. Through readings and friends, but when you have the heart to change, it’s never too late. Self educate yourself whenever you have time, besides the wondrous box (I mentioned in earlier blog) that brought me so much information to my life, the fantastic pile of papers with letters also brought me a lot of knowledge I needed. I never stop sharing all the information I know with my friends. I wish they never have to go through what I’ve gone through to get this information. It is never an easy process. Learning process is never ending unless we put a full stop to it. Every brand new day is a learning day for me. Learning from television, book, people around and the things we see

But I do believe that beautiful people do get away with things and do get what they want easily. Then what happens to the not so beautiful people, I guess they’ll have to work double extra hard to into the society. But yet I do believe that everybody is beautiful in their own ways and I always hear this in Chinese “There is no ugly people, but only lazy people” I guess it’s quite true. When one work so hard to get so brainy, why don’t you spend a little more extra time to look good as well. Isn’t that better than some ‘bimbo’? Look pretty but brainless.
But I guess with the technology nowadays becoming beautiful it’s just a door step away. As long as you have wealth, looking good is never a problems. But how many people are willing to go under the knife to be beautiful? But I guess to your surprise, the figure might just unimaginable, I might, if it is affordable. But again, good stuff doesn’t come cheap. Of course there is another painless to do it and that is Photoshop way. As I say technology nowadays can do almost anything to our looks.
So is there any part of your face or body that you’re not satisfied of? Just consult a doctor and get the best opinion and pay for it, then you’re beautiful. Again are you willing to go under the knife to look beautiful people? One thing for sure once you’re beautiful, your confidence boost as well, no doubt about it.

I’m trying to relate it to a classic case that happen few months back to a friend of mine. She was madly in love with this man, where ever she goes and whatever she does it’s only for him. I guess love is blind, till today I still don’t know what strike her with that man. As the relationship grows, so is the silence. To my belief, in a relationship both need to have understanding, communications and most importantly compromising. My poor friend just mentions one wrong statement and there she goes, slowly slipping into the silence treatment process and soon enough she is out of his life. And the best part was that up until now the guy didn’t even say the word “our relationship is over and done with”. Is it that hard to say that word to reassure that the relationship it’s over. This kind of man I would label them as “testicleless” aka “no balls”. Even the relationship it’s over my friend has moved on. But in between the silence treatment, I can see how suffering she went through. Crying almost every night to sleep and wonder what happen in between and how to mend the relationship.
As a man I think responsibility is very important. How can someone look up to you when you’re so irresponsible? For whatever reason you want to end the relationship just say it. Whether you have found someone else, this is the comment case in any scenario. Or not meant for each other or give each other some time. Just say it out “we’re over”, “finito” simple as ABC, but yet there are these testicleless people exist. I rather this people be extinct then the Dodo bird.
So, guys please be a MAN and be responsible with all the things you do. Do it with no regrets. Silence don’t solve problems, silence creates misunderstanding. Be wise and I’m sure you’ve live long enough to discern what is right and wrong, what actions to be done. Don’t be the testicle-less man we all hate.

But of course in the 20th century, this wondrous box have evolve to all shape and sizes, and yet it’s still doing the same wondrous job in giving unlimited information and entertainment to us. And I’m sure up till now you should know what this wondrous box is? That is ‘Television’ that we are watching in our daily lives.
At times I do think being a couch potato was not that bad after all. Stick to your chair day and night absorbing all the information that TV emit. I was once there but not that extreme. I do learn a lot from TV, most of my general knowledge comes those educational channels like National Geographic, Discovery, Discovery & Living and etc. I guess the TV is a good source of information besides the book or newspaper we read everyday. Of course besides these educational channels come the movies, TV series and dramas channels which entertain us from time to time. Even from these channels I get to learned from it. I guess it’s really up to individual how you see things how you want to absorb these information.
Besides learning from all these channels it actually keeps you updated with the world news. What’s going on around the world we live in? I guess it’s important that we should know what is happening in the world today as we’re not living alone in this beautiful planet. With this news that has been broadcast, I believe it brings the human race closer and the world seems smaller that we thought it should be. We as human beings have a conscious mind, where ever there is disaster we’ll keep these people in prayers or try to find ways to help the victims in anyway we can.
So I do believe this great invention that has created for us, to make us feel closer and the world is not that big as we think it would be.
This is one of the interesting topics I would like to talk about. And I’m pretty sure most of you know what the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ are?