It seems like
p/s thanx Emila for helping me figure out how to put this lovely illustration on my blog.

After being caught so many times and paying the tickets I’m almost broke and start using my hands free occasionally to reduce paying tickets and of course putting on my safety belt too. But have you actually realize that our law enforcer too doesn’t put on their safety belt and ticket us for not putting on our safety belt, how ironic? I’ve been trying very hard to take pictures of our law enforcer pictures when they are driving. Trust me, next time when you’re on the road whether you are driving or you are the passenger. Take a closer look at our law enforcer, they don’t put on their safety belt! And yet they ticket us for not putting our safety belt.
So is this called misused of their authorities? If we as commoner who breaks the law for not putting our safety belt. What about the ‘law enforcer’ who enforces the law and breaks the law? Shouldn’t they be punished even more?

Books we read, movie we see, and some people have their conclusion, where of course some are debatable on how the story goes and end. For instant, world no.1 seller the ‘Bible’ was written thousand of years ago and most of the things inside are debatable and how you interpret it. And I guess some people didn’t read between the lines to get a full picture of what it is intended for. Especially when religion is involved, a lot of limitation has been placed on oneself. But if you were to read clearly between the lines and it is all minds over matters.
Food offered to idols and Christian can’t eat them. Silly! In 1 Cor. 8:1-13 it clearly state that you can eat and your God is Almighty and as long as you are not a stumbling block to other Christian and pray before you eat them. And when people offer you take it, also clearly mentioned. I don’t see why Christian can’t eat foods that are offered to idols. Totally silly!
Yoga, some say the postures are like praying and some saying the meditation are spiritual stuff. Yes, no doubt about it, but again all depends on how you want to see it. Put it into Christian thinking and nothing is wrong? Why limit yourself when all these things are clear nothing to do with your religion and you make it complex when things are so simple. Harry Potter are not encouraged by the Christians, as Christians don’t believe in magic but when you watched the movie or read the books, you don’t indulge yourself in it. Then is it wrong? I wonder how you want to interpret the whole situation. The choice is in your hands, make the right thinking and not everything is wrong, when things are wrong is when you think it is wrong. Think out of the box for once.
The price were reasonable for a place light that and I was kind of full as I had a late lunch so I ordered a club sandwich as dinner. The food presentation was nicely done as well. As I took a bite on my sandwich it’s not that bad at all. So I guess it was not just nice food presentation but the foods are good too. Besides going there for dinner and I think it is a great place to hand out with your friends to chat and online as well, as it has wi-fi like any other café as well.
Full House Lifestyle Store & Cafe Sdn. Bhd.
C-G-11 Nui Ze Xui @ Ara Damansara,
Pusat Dagangan NZX,
No. 2 Jalan PJU 1A/41B, Ara Jaya PJU 1A,
47301 Petaling Jaya.
Tel: 03 7885 0836 Fax: 03 7885 0839
When we were young, death seems so far away and we do things that without consequences, without second thought. As we aged so is our body parts and it’s slowly won’t function as they use to be unless we do something about it before it is too late. Death is part and parcel of our life, life and death never part and seems like nobody would actually like to talk about death. I had my share of near death experience. Got knock by a speeding when I was crossing the road and flew eight shop houses away and unconscious. When I woke up, I was in the clinic where the doctor is attending to my wounds. With God’s grace I’m still alive with no broken bones only bruises and open wound to my skin.
Though I’ve gone through such experience, whenever I felt like I’m going blackout the though of angel of death is near. Am I just going to leave this body and move on to the next world? The fear does slowly sip into my mind. I guess as we grew older the fear of death is getting stronger each passing days. Even so, people around you start moving on to the next life, friends and family and you will never know when the angel of death is at your door step knocking on you door and tell you, your time is up.

Sometimes I really hate the fact that they join the competition for the reality for the wrong reasons. Especially for the modeling reality show, they join in hopes of becoming a top model through all the challenges. There are thousands of people out there who crave to be model and sometimes these people, breathe, eat and sleep of modeling. So these people go and enroll themselves for this reality show hoping to be a top model and lucky just not on their side. Somehow the person who doesn’t take modeling seriously got into the competition. After all he/she managed to reach the top three spot. By the end of the show people would actually recognized them and some would actually get some modeling contract with some major modeling agency. Bu then this person who’s not so keen in modeling is just in there to prove to people that he/she can do it and doesn’t want to be in modeling line.
Here is where the question comes, what you think of this people who is in there just to prove to people he/she can do it and wasted someone who live and breath modeling chances to be a model? Are they being selfish and stolen people chance to be a model, or singer in whatever reality show for that matter. At times I just pity those who lost their chance into fame.
This has nothing to do with the “Big Bang Theory” on prehistoric stuff. It’s about this Korean Hip Hop, R&B group that I was impressed while watching MTV. I went searching more info about this group and it seems like they are quite big in
How this group were form, is more like a reality show, an eleven episodes documentary on how the group trained before the debut on August 19, 2006. On the ninth episode actually two members were to be eliminated, but Seung Ri manage to perform the song “Haru Haru” and manage to impressed YG and he stayed. Where as SO-1 has to go because he was too shy on stage, so the remaining five are called Big Bang.
Members Profile
Stage Name: G-Dragon
Real Name: Kwon Ji Yong
Birth date: August 18, 1988
Education Background:
Debut: DaeHanMinGook Hip Hop Flex 2001
Position: Composer/Leader/Lyricist/Rapper/Vocalist
Tae Yang
Stage Name: Tae Yang, SoL
Former Stage Name: YB Taekwon
Real Name: Dong Yeong Bae
Birth date: May 18, 1988
Debut: YG Family 2nd Album 2002
Position: Choreographer/Vocalist
Stage Name: T.O.P
Former Stage Name: Tempo
Real Name: Choi Seung Hyun
Birth date: November 4, 1987
Education Background:
Position: Beat Boxer/Composer/Rapper
Dae Sung
Stage Name: Dae Sung; D-Lite
Real Name: Kang Dae Sung
Birth date: April 26, 1989
Education Background:
Position: Vocalist
Stage Name:
Former Stage Name: V & Victory
Real Name: Lee Seung Hyun
Birth date: December 12, 1990
Position: Choreographer/Vocalist
孙楠&韩红 - 美丽的神话
I was having dinner with a friend of mine and it is those café where there will be people singing live and unplugged. Overall it is a nice environment it’s just that the music where a little too loud. Usually this kind of café is operated by Chinese and the singers would actually be singing in either Mandarin or Cantonese, but to our surprise it is English all the way. My friend and I were totally delighted to hear it as we hardly come across café singers that sing in English songs.

As for religious people as why are they vegetarian? They practice no killing to all living creatures. But as the food they eat are practically vegetables and some other food that made from flours. Since they practice no killing to living creatures but somehow the food they prepared resemblance to meat? Then when you have a clear mind of not eating meat but yet the food they eat, they make it into meat like. Where is the moral behind being a vegetarian then?

Whenever such couple passes by, the same old questions would pop-up. Can’t such relationship be real? Or simply because we couldn’t have a drop dead gorgeous girl friend like the rich, ugly, short, fat, old and bolding uncle have. You will start debating with your friends about their relationships. Why is she with him? What does she sees in him and so on and so forth.
At times we just wonder why? Why? Why? Is there true love in the relationship? Or the ugly filthy rich old man has a beautiful soul. There could be 101 questions you ask about their relationships. This is no fairy tales, not that the beast is going to transform into a handsome prince charming, no matter how the ugly filthy rich old man do plastic surgery it still can’t change every single part of himself to be the young handsome prince charming. If that is possible that won’t be real in his world. We’ll never know what the true story behind closed doors is. All we can only do is to create more stories behind the Beauty and the Beast.

I’ve been through a lot and sometimes out of my genuine heart I don’t want my friends to go through what I’ve been through. But I guess people don’t listen to you until when they hit the ground themselves. Don’t you think that would be a little too late when the situation could be prevented? Somehow it’s always human nature not to listen to others, when people are giving advice. I was once like that, you just auto shut off the listening ear and walk away from the so call noise pollution to your ears. But when you really hit the ground hard, then you actually say it’s actually sweet music to your ears and why didn’t I listen carefully and heed the advice.
July 17, 2008, Wednesday
Petaling Jaya: As I just reached home and parked my car and I saw my dad @ the gate as he is about to bring our dog, Jojo out for a walk. And that is where he broke the news to me that Xena has moved on to the next life.
Xena is a cocker spaniel breed and was brought in from
Somehow recently Xena is not well and there was once I thought we would lose her as she was very ill and somehow she still manage to pull herself together for another few more days. The last time I held her was the day before she died and she was lying on the floor with her head resting on my lap. That was the last time I saw her and now she’s gone. I guess Xena is gone and left Jojo alone again and no one to bark at.
Going to miss Xena with her silky hair and her presence during the festive seasons.
I'll Be Lovin' U Long Time - Mariah Carey
Was introduced to this video when I was attending a fashion function last week. I was early and this video keeps repeating. I guess in this video she really put the phrase "If you got it, flaunt it!" to the max. No doubt that she has a new killer body but to my surprise people would think it is fake. How funny when one would think it is faked when you couldn’t achieve it in such a short period of time.
I guess with determination anything is possible. Why should it be faked when it is achievable? Just because you can achieve it doesn’t mean it’s fake. Some would say it’s digitally touched up, would even would say actually the dolphin is Mariah. How funny!? I guess it’s too human to critic someone just simply when he/she can’t achieve it. There is a Chinese say that goes “When one couldn’t reach for the grapes, says the grapes are sour” I guess it’s quite true, I’m not denying as at times I’m no difference with those who complain about things I couldn’t get. Just simply because I’m human.
Anyway just enjoy the video.

Chinese Zodiac Folklore
According to one Chinese legend the 12 animals argued as to who would be the first animal in the 12-year cycle. The gods decided to hold a contest in which the animals must cross a river. The first animal to cross the river would be the first on the chart followed by the other animals according to their finish. The rat was the smallest of the animals and was expected by the other animals to finish last. Quickly the 12 animals jumped into the river but unknown to the ox, the rat had jumped on his back. As the ox was about to jump on the riverbank to claim first place, the rat jumped off his back won the race. The pig that was very lazy ended up last. As expected, their peers often tease most children who were born in the year of the pig.
In some story context, cat was in the picture as well. Both the cat and rat were good friends but then the rat betrayed the cat and left the cat out on the race, since then they were sworn enemies.
Besides the west astrology, these animals also represent certain character. So are we a combination of both, since one is base on month and the other is base on year. Are our character bound by these astrology? But somehow we do have some resemblance to the animals we were born on the specific year of. I wonder is that just coincidence or not?
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Aquarius (January 21st – February 19th)
Witty, clever, humanitarian, inventive, original
Pieces (February 20th – March 20th)
Compassionate, adaptable, accepting, devoted, imaginative
Aries (March 21st – April 20th)
Independent, generous, optimistic, enthusiastic, courageous
Taurus (April 21st – May 21st)
Dependable, persistent, loyal, patient, generous
Gemini (May 22nd – June 21st)
Energetic, clever, imaginative, witty, adaptable
Cancer (June 22nd – July 22nd)
Loyalty, dependable, caring, adaptable, responsive
Leo (July 23rd – August 21st)
Confident, Ambitious, Generous, Loyal, Encouraging
Virgo (August 22nd – September 23rd)
Analytical, observant, helpful, reliable, precise
Libra (September 24th – October 23rd)
Diplomatic, graceful, peaceful, idealistic, hospitable
Scorpio (October 24th – November 22nd)
Loyal, passionate, resourceful, observant, dynamic
Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 22nd)
Capricorn (December 23rd – January 20th)
Responsible, patient, ambitious, resourceful, loyal
Have it ever crossed your mind how come the west as 12 zodiac signs and so is the east? Why would the numbered be the same? Why not one more then the other or less? I always have these questions but no answer. Beside that, are we bound by the fact that when we’re born under the stars, that would be our characters. Wouldn’t it be different? Besides that, do you believe in all these astrology when it comes to your personal life? Do you believe in astrology to help when your life is in trouble just like the Chinese with their Feng Shui? I guess a person believes in anything when their lives are shaken up. Beliefs are just a way to ground you with assurance in life. I wonder do you agree with me on that matter or not. Everybody believes in something, some only in himself/herself that is also believing in something.
to a
Very Extraordinary Respectably ‘N Abreast
Though I’ve known you not that long, in actual fact not more than a year, but somehow, somewhere our lives intertwine and became best of friends. This is no coincidence but by fate. In just less than a year we have grown from stranger to buddies, keep each other accountable though we stay apart.
Such bonding of friends is hard to find,
And it’s never easy to come along.
I’m grateful somehow that we intertwine,
And hope our friendship will move beyond.
There is just a little gift from Phirence and I, hope you like it!
Wishing you best of health and find someone to share your abundance life with!!!!
Miss You!!!!

When you say the big NO, and the people don’t like it, it is really their problems as they don’t respect your decision to say NO. When I think if someone doesn’t respect me, why should I respect them instead either. At times by just saying NO saves you a lot of troubles. It may be hard at times but after awhile on exercising the word NO, it will just come naturally to say NO when you don’t feel like doing it.
When a stranger asks you for money, you can say NO. Simply because I don’t know him/her and I will not get back my money. When someone asked for your number, you can say NO. If you don’t want to be friends with that person, why give away your number, are you seeking for trouble? What came to your mind instantly is always the right answer to all the questions. When you doubt, that were trouble comes knocking on you door. Try to learn to stay NO!
Repeat after me N O = NO
Yes, very good!
Keep practicing till you perfected it.

I do come across a few here and there at any point of my life. And they flock together in order to give you good show. I did once view the greatest show ever with a really good bunch of actors and actresses. At some part of your life ups and downs will hit you hard. Somehow it hit me hard when I was being the outcast not knowing what the hell is happening. And this is how the story goes.
I found out my “friends” were having some gather at one of their premises and I was not invited. Well since I’m the outcast, why should I be invited? So I played along and find out how good are these “friends” were. To my surprise, they were damn good and even the new recruit were good as well. I asked one of them what are they doing after work? Some say meeting friends, some say meeting relatives, totally fine with me. One was tell me she would actually goes to one of the shopping mall. So I make a date with my colleague to that shopping mall to act as well. So I called her up and say, “Hey, since I’m here why don’t we meet up?” To my surprise she said, “Oh, my friend changed the venue” not too bad. Accepted the excused, so I played along and started calling the rest of them. None of them answer their calls. Why? Because there were jolly having fun in and out of the pool. They did call me back after some hours and say they left the mobile phone in cars and in the handbag couldn’t here. They planned they story well, it’s just that I’ve already know the whole plot. If not I would have been fooled. By the next they, they still could pretend as nothing has happen.
This is what I called a bunch of Oscar nominees working together for a great show. I do believe some point in your life, you are either the viewer or the actors. But always remember, try to make your show as flawless as possible. Mend your show ASAP when things go wrong. Then you would probably the Oscar winner. If not you would end up to be in the worst actors list.
It’s been 24 hours and miracle didn’t happen.
One peaceful night when I reached home after my outing with my friends, I heard a soft meow meow meow keep following me, wherever I go. At that moment I knew I can’t shake it off and have to bring the small little kitten back home. Since I’ve this beautiful yellow bin which have never been use, and put a towel inside n put the kitten there to sleep for the night so that she won’t run around and get lost.
Ever since then, we’ve been feeding this kitten as ours. As a kitten, she already very attached to us. Somehow she knows and recognizes us and never seems stop entertain us with her nonchalant character running around my garden and playing with out cats that we usually feed. Whenever I’m off somewhere, I keep thinking of the kitten, will she live long enough to have her own kittens and always worry that she might go missing or get killed.
I guess the phrase “Curiosity Kills the Cat” finally taking affect. She is no where to be found just like how she came, out of no where. I miss her, my Meow Meow has gone don’t know where, dead or alive nobody knows. Deep in my heart I wish she would appear when I wake up everyday or whenever I reach home she is sitting on the stair faithfully waiting for me and greet me by brushing he soft fir against my legs.
Hope she is fine and lived.
O beautiful decorative knots,
Please untangle yourself can or not?
I’ve been choked by the tight knots,
And blinded my visions and thoughts.
O beautiful hands that tight the knots.
Please release me from the unwanted thoughts.
You have created such beautiful betrayal knots.
That destroys the blissful friendship we’ve got.
They come, they go,
They leave you cold,
To your spinal bone,
Blow after blow,
What is coming, you don’t know.
Where are you my sunny day?
The warmth you have given,
Has been long blown away.
Rain keeps falling, Flower never seems to bloom.
Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. - Aristotle
But it seems like one body is betraying the other.
I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world - Thomas A. Edison
But would your friends think the same?
The only way to have a friend is to be one. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
But it seems like one has become two
It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
So stupid until they step you all over.
Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends, never lost a chance to make them – Francesco Guicciardini.
Make but then broken.
Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have special face for each friend. – Oliver Wendell Holmes.
So special that it betrays you.
When a friend is in trouble, don’t annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it. - Edward W. Howe
The damage has been done by your friend, what your friend can do about it?