Monday, May 19, 2008 | Filed in:
Life's experience

This is where the question comes. Do you actually do the same if knowing he/she can’t make it big in the industries? Would you actually tell the truth to your friend and hurt his/her feeling just to save him/her from the embarrassment and not waste time dwelling in the hopes of becoming a star, singer or model, whatever you can think of. To be honest, I would! Because I love my friend and telling him/her the truth may just hurt his/her feeling for maybe days or weeks or most months. But having false hope not realizing the truth is even worst, don’t you think? And you’re practically lying to your friend who you think you cared about? You can call me mean or bitchy, whatever it is; I cared too much to let my friend to go through such hardship of the world. I maybe giving you harsh comments but when it comes to the world it’s even worst.
Just recently I came across a magazine. It’s more like for the hopeful to become a model. But so far I came across only a handful that can make it as a model but frankly speaking not a big one though. I’ve been doing my own investigations and speculations. It seems like any Tom, Dick & Harry can appear in the magazine just as long as you pay for it. And people around the industry have been giving such harsh comments about these people who appeared in the magazine. I refer these “people” because I don’t consider them as “models”. I guess first impression is very important, but the magazine does have an impact on us but not in a good way. People all around has been questioning with the qualities of the so called models appearing in the magazine. What really happened? Best of all the latest issues having the female models pose like playboy playmates. Are these so call models who want to make it big will be able to make it big with those poses? I wonder whether these people have actually seen fashion magazines like Harper Bazaar, Vanity Fair, Vogue and etc. These major magazines can give them a good idea on how to pose. But I wonder how come they are posing like playboy playmates. But you’re trying to make it big in the industry with that kind of pose. I would say, you never go far. High fashion poses looks artistic not pornographic; look sensual but not sleazy; with character not ???
What is the exact definition for models? What’s the difference between a models and event girls? I’m sure a lot of people would think event girls and models are the same. But seriously there are big differences between the both of them. It is very obvious the qualities and characters they portrays. Models promote fashion, event girls promote sex. That is just a public opinion. So I’m sure this is the very distinct difference between a model and event girls. Never put models the same level as event girls. I may not be from the modeling industry but there are a lot of people who is in and out of the industry giving such comments as well. I just wonder what happen to the qualities of becoming a model. And if becoming a model is that simple, I guess there wouldn’t be any more models around as we are all models too.
And again, I just wonder the friends and family of those people who appeared in the magazine, would actually support them yet knowing it’s not going to work out. Aren’t YOU telling a big lie to your beloved friend? Would you actually be the bad guy to tell him/her the truth? Or just let them be a Piscean, to dream day and night of becoming a model, and yet it will never come true.
Dreaming day and night,
That’s what I do most of the time.
Waking from the dream I might,
But when would be the right time?
This entry was posted on Monday, May 19, 2008 and is filed under Life's experience . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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