Another disappointing movie, sigh. What happen to all the good movies? Am I too demanding? It is practically about this police officer take law into his own hands. Everything needs to go according to his rules. Even his newly shift in neighbor.
In the first place I was not too keen about this movie, my friend actually bought the tickets and then only tells me that I'm watching this movie. I was actually dead tired on Friday because of work. And after work I've watch this movie which I'm not too keen. Lucky I went home for a nap before I went for this movie, if not I would probably fall asleep in the cinema.
The actual action part only at the end of the movie and it's only for about five to ten minutes only. The rest of the plot of the show were more like threatening words only and no actions. Another boring movie ~sigh~ take a look at the preview and judge for yourself whether the preview attracts you or not. It don't attracts me, I wonder does it attracts you?

YES!!! Finally my parcel reaches its destination safely. I did not know that the service was that fast. I just posted the goods on Monday noon and it reaches Emila on Wednesday, never knew Post Laju was that 'laju' (quick/fast). Emila really do take nice picture of the gift compared to mine posted earlier.

Hope to see your participation in December on "Season To Give" giveaway ;)

We were so keen till we actually went online to book for 12 tickets and only 9 of us went for the movie. We were almost late, but in fact we were late to collect the tickets so ended up queuing for the tickets. Since it is Monday, not much people where actually queuing to buy tickets.
Finally got out tickets and went into the cinema and waited eagerly for the movie to start. Finally the movie start and it is about this female presenter for her TV program on a night shift with the fire fighter department. It was so boring in the beginning that it's practically talking, talking and more talking. You can hear the camera man but hardly see his face because the whole movie is through the cameraman's camera.
Second half of the movie would be in the big old apartment where they found out about this so called zombie like resident. After that the rest is all the same, nothing hype, dead boring with zombie movie in the building as they run for their lives and not get bitten. Worst part was, all you can hear is that stupid presenter keep talking and scream. At the end of the show where it is suppose to be the most hype part, you get so pissed off with the woman's voice keep screaming and yelling. And the best part was, everyone died except the zombies, I just wasted RM8 to watch a worst then B grade movie.
I leave you with the movie preview that attract most of us. And that is all to the movie, the rest are all rubbish!!! Enjoy!
I've been tagged by Yoon See on Nov. 22, 2008
A. Attached or single? single
B. Best friend? um...too many to be mentioned, I guess they know who they are :)
C. Cake or pie? cake
D. Day of choice? everyday
E. Essential item? my car
F. Favorite color? blue
G. Gummy bears or worms? gummy bears
H. Hometown? Gopeng, Perak
I. Favorite indulgence? ice cream
J. January or July? January
K. Kids? none
L. Life isn't complete without? money
M. Marriage date? single, so how would there be a marriage date?
N. Number of magazine subscriptions? none, buy off the shelves
O. Oranges or apples? apples
P. Phobias? alone
Q. Quotes? "there is always sadness, in order for you to feel true happiness"
R. Reasons to smile? to cheer others
S. Season of choice? love all seasons
T. Tag 10 people. Lek Wei, Wei Khean, Cindy, Kelly, Spiff, Keith, Anny, Yumi, Marzie & Nihcia
U. Unknown fact about me? yet to find out
V. Vegetable? love them all
W. Worst habit? curse too much when driving
X. X-ray or ultrasound? x-ray
Y. Your favorite foods? anything edible
Z. Zodiac sign? pisces
I've been tagged again by Yoon See on Nov. 24, 2008
The age you'll be on your next birthday 34
Place you want to travel to Japan & Europe
Your favorite place aesthetic places
Your favorite food practically anything edible
Your favorite pet my dog and cats
Favorite color combination blue and black
Favorite piece of clothing smart casual
Your all time favorite song have you ever by brandy
Favorite TV shows one million star (taiwan program) and Heros
First name of your significant other/crush none
Which town do you live in Petaling Jaya
Your screen name/nickname ken
Your first job cashier, cook & waiter at white castle when I was in form 3
Your dream job to own a chain of F&B outlet
One bad habit that you have can't live without internet
Worst fear die before my dreams been lived
Things you'd like to do before you die traveled the world
The 1st thing you'll buy if you get $1,000,000 properties, properties, properties
On the same day Cindy, tagged me with another sets of Q&A
He/she have to come up with 7 interesting or random facts about them self and then tag 7 other people to do the same.
1. very impatient on the road and curse too much.
3. love to mingle around
4. love to cook for friends when i'm in the mood for cooking
5. love to talk and of course a good listener too
6. love going through books and internet for ideas
7. love anything that is interesting and beautiful
Tag 7 Friends: Lek Wei, Wei Khean, Emila, Kelly, Keith, Anny, & Yumi
here is the set of rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post the rules
2. Post 7 random facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 friends at the end of your post and link to them
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I came across this kind of people recently and I seriously don't know how to handle it and it makes me feel irritated by every word that comes out of his mouth and makes me think very shallow of him. Everybody has their own story of success and fame, but it is only temporary unless you are some superstar. How could one actually talk about the same story over and over again on how much he is being paid for a job and anything less, he would take it. Seriously such opportunity does not come that often. Once you get a high paying job does not mean you will always get something similar or higher the next time. But yet he could actually boast about it over and over again just of that one job.
How do you actually consider as beautiful or handsome? The world actually has a standard for it, when everyone agrees on the same thing means it is true. So when a nice photograph is being taking and no doubt about it the main talent was actually a bit fat to the "world standard" but some how the main talent could not accept the fact that he is fat. He would deny the fact he is fat and says that he has trained very hard and the muscle is very define. Somehow I just wonder why would one be so proud of himself and denies what the world sees.
Now all I can do is to sit there and listen to him boast how good he is, how well he did. But at times I just could not take it and I just walk away or even show my face of dissatisfaction. Sometimes I just feel like telling him off. But the best part is, he can't even take people's comment about him and he totally thinks we are wrong. ~sign~ can't be help but to stay away from him.

1. Show the award.
2. The name of the person who gave it to you and a link back to their blog.
3. Pick 5 blogs you think deserve this award for: creativity, design, interesting material and their contribution/participation to the blog community.
4. List the author's name and link to their blog.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those their selected. Link back to the original Arte Y Pico blog, so all will know the origin of the award.
Wei Khean (Life A Series of Fireworks) - for updating us about his working life in Bangkok and Thailand itself.
Anny (All I Wanna Do Is P...) - for being such great animal lover.
Nessa (Mumblings) - for updating me with some of the TV program as I hardly watch TV nowadays. 豪少 (豪の心乐园) - I like the way he express himself.

1. The nominated is allowed to put the picture on their blogs.
2. Link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate seven other people and link to them.
4. Leave a message on those people’s blog to make them aware that they’re nominated.
Now I'm passing this awared to
Lek Wei (Mytery Zone) - for trying very his best to blog
Wei Khean (Life A Series of Fireworks) - for updating us about his working life in Bangkok and Thailand itself.
Anny (All I Wanna Do Is P...) - for being such great animal lover.
Nessa (Mumblings) - for updating me with some of the TV program as I hardly watch TV nowadays.
豪少 (豪の心乐园) - I like the way he express himself.
Phirence (废人滩) - I like the way he writes with deep thoughts and meaning at times.
Yoon See (Greener Pasture) - for her wonderful spirit towards life and work.

I also have my very simple set of rules ;)
1. Show the award in your blog.
2. Link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate three(3) other artistic people and link to them.
4. Leave a message on their blog to make them aware that they’ve being nominated.
I wanted to thank her a long time, but was thinking what to give her as present? Finally, I did something for her and hope she likes it.
Besides that, remember I did mention that I'm going to have a giveaway contest in December since it's Christmas month. All I can say I'm in the process preparing the gift and the contest criteria. Stay tune for more info about the contest. Just one tip to get you started, the contest is only for bloggers and if you are not one now, get started!
To find out more about these high end crates, can take a look at them at Dog is a god.

There is one more thing I like about the website, is the main page with a cute puppy keep staring at the crate that he wanted so much. Check it out yourself!
Vitas was born Vitaliy Vladasovich Grachov on February 19, 1981 in Latvia. He first appeared in Russia in December 2000 with his hit Opera #2, which was notable for use of Vitas' surprisingly high-pitched and energetic countertenor voice.
Somehow his type of music don't really appeal to me, not that it is bad just not my cup of tea I guess. Somehow it just release certain aura that I don't feel easy with when listening to his songs, that is just my personal opinion.
There is the MV of Vitas singing Opera 2 and of course the imitator Crowd Lu Guang Zhong [盧廣仲] singing his version of Opera 2. Hope their singing did not shattered any glasses when you are watching their MV.
It has been raining cats and dogs recently, and for the past few days I heard kitten keep meowing away. I was searching for it and trying to find out where it came from, I was keep looking on the ground and to my surprise the kitten were in my neighbor's awning. First attempt to get it down failed. As the awning stretches quite far apart, as I were to stand at one end the kitten will run to the other end. After that I had things to do and left and settle my things but I've not stop thinking how to get the kitten down from the awning.
Finally, the only way to get the kitten down is to push it down as it is impossible to catch it, since I thought cats have nine (9) lives. But of course I would have a basket below it to catch the kitten with a net basket. After my first attempt it was raining cats and dogs, the poor kitten were all wet on top of the awning and no where to hide. First thing in the morning I look the ladder to my neighbor's house and set it in the middle of the awning and start trapping the kitten to either end and finally push it of the edge while my dad will wait with the basket to catch the kitten. Yay! It was a success and the cat flee the scene in split seconds.

Both are still very young (4 months old) and very playful, always left alone when my brother and wife goes to work and that is the time I'll pay them a visit and play with them for awhile.

How this came about? One of my students actually asked whether anyone interested in playing the Chinese Drum, and there is Chinese Drum Society in Klang is giving a free session on how to play the Chinese Drum and after the session each one will be presented with a certificate. A few of us are interested and I think it's a good experience too, why not? By the way some Chinese Society and Rakan Muda is the main organiser for this curriculum.
OK, back to the drum session. It is suppose to start by 0830, as usual the Malaysian timing 0900 finally it begins with a warm up. After warming, finally the lesson begins with a short introduction of the crew member and the drum. The drump is made from buffalo skin and every part of the drum produce different kind of sound, from the dried stretch outer skin, to the pinned area, to the outer drum and finally the center of the drum. All gives out different sound effect.

It was really a great experience for me to share it amoung my friend and students. You guys are the best!!! Hugs & Kisses for all of you!

It seems like her album will be launch next year, but I guess she won't be able to see how well her album did.
Why do LOVE has such powerful influence in everyone of us. LOVE causes all kinds of emotions and actions that we take, be it consciously or unconsciously. LOVE can just over take every part of our body and do crazy things, and seems like LOVE has a brain by itself.
Love takes.
Love is everything,
That always leave us to think.

Music seems to be in everyone lives, I listen to them when I'm alone doing my work or even when I'm driving from one place to another. Music makes me happy and at times music makes me cry hard when something happens. Music does bring back certain memories from the past be it good or bad.

How I know about him? Through a friend who seems to have common interest in watching One Million Stars, a singing competition in Taiwan and it is as famous as American Idols, with a panel of judges who gives constructive comments to the participants on how to improve their singing skills.
Crowd Lu Guang Zhong 盧廣仲 appear in One Million Stars (season 3) as special guest appearance to sing with one of the participant. Just so happen I lost one of the episode and that was the episode he appear. Just recently my friend Lek Wei introduce Crowd Lu Guang Zhong 盧廣仲 to me and you can drop by his blog and watch another MV called 100 Types Of Activities.
Lets enjoy his MV called I Want To Spend Extravagantly
Living as Malaysian has always been my pleasure but having to tolerate Malaysian timing is always a big NO! Up till now, I've always try to make it on time or early for every appointment be it friends, colleagues or clients.
After so many years, there are times that I'm totally use to waiting, but there are times I'm totally irritated by it. Of course, I don't claim that I'm always perfect on time or even early. But as a responsible person, I would contact the person who I'm suppose to meet that I would be late and for how long it would take me to reach. I know how it feels to wait and wait and not knowing what to do during the time while waiting. At least inform the person how long it takes, so that he/she would find other things to do while waiting, this is just simple ethic that one should know.
I serious wonder what happen to this simple ethic among us, it seems like it has totally vanish from their daily lives. There was once, I went for an interview and I waited more then half an hour for the interview, in the end I left the place without an interview. Reason I left was, firstly they don't respect me as a person, second is that the interviewer saw me sitting there waiting but he went out to smoke with his colleagues knowing he is already late for the interview. I don't wish to work for a company that don't have simple ethics to just apologize for being late and inform me how long more I will have to wait. I even went there early to fill in the forms and yet he don't show any respect for me.

Have you wonder why they are called the China Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe? For your information, all the performer are deaf and mute yet they can move so gracefully in accordance with the music. They also performed at the Paralympics Beijing 2008 opening.
To me these performer have such strong will power, with their imperfection yet they never give up with what they believe in and pursuit with sheer determination. Tai Lihua, the lead performer was a normal child but when aged 2 she had fever and lost her ability to hear, at the tender age of 7 she was introduced to performing art and fell in love with and never give up pursuing her dreams.
With sheer determination and will power, anything is possible. Hope you enjoy the video.
There is this ads from Kurnia at the Damansara interchange, it is quite contradiction to me as you can see the big text that reads "Jangan SMS ketika memandu" which mean "Do not SMS while driving" in English. But if you look in detail, the mother and child are busy talking as well. Then why not put "Jangan bersembang bila melalu lintas" which means "Do not busy chatting away while crossing" in English. I'm sure they can produce better ads then an ad that contradict each other.
Sometimes I found these ads entertaining as it really didn't bring out the meaning it meant to be. As I remembered there was a printer ads at the Kerinchi flyover along Federal Highway. The use of language are so good, with a big slogan that reads "Pencetakkan tanpa jam". At times I wonder is that in English or Malay? If you were to fully read it in Malays, it is suppose to be "Printing without clock". The word "jam" in Malay language means "clock", but they mixed up all the language in the ads and I find it hilarious and totally unprofessional as an Advertising company.
I'll share more funny ads if I find any, and probably list them down to the "Hall of Lame".
Just recently I receive another award, "I Wuv Your Blog" and this time is from another blogger friend Yoon See. As you can find her link under my Artistic Thread.
And now I guess it is about time for me to return something back to my fellow bloggers which I known them randomly through blogging and of course to my friends as well. I've taken some time off to design something specially for you, with my initial KO - Ken Ong/Knock Out.
And now I'm presenting this award to:
Emila (Emila Illustrated Blog) - thank you for everything
Yoon See (Greener Pasture) - thank you for your comments
Mariuca a.k.a Marzie (Wishing On A Falling Star) - thank you for making me laugh @ Emila's blog
Nessa (Mumblings) - thank you for ......just being around :)
Anny (all i wanna do is p...) - thank you for all the nice pix and info about animals
Wei Khean (Life Is A Series of Fireworks) - thank you for being a faithful fan
Lek Wei (Mystery Zone) - thank you for being another faithful fan too
last but not least my buddy Phirence (废人· 滩) - thank you for the good and bad times togather

Basically the story is about how you can change your fate by lying in the coffin and some ritual will be perform to it. Once the ritual is done, all bad curse bad will be removed but somehow it will transfer to the one that is close to your heart, family members or loved ones, and these people will eventually haunt you. The cycle of life has been interrupted, in order to restore the circle of life, one has to undo the ritual again.
To be frank, this is one of those not so scary ghost story I have watched so far compare to other great ghost movie from Thailand. But what really caught my attention was, would you actually do anything to alter your fate, to cheat death? God already has a plan for everyone of us, by altering your fate will it alter everything in your life as well? What are the circumstances that we have to face after the alteration? Are we ready to face the challenges that comes our way?

Have fun with the website and creating your own stencils.
This is one of the biggest fashion show I am involved in so far and it is for Style Wedding, Glamour Bash which involve our very talented local Couture & Wedding dress Designers Keith Kee and Carven Ong. I'm very honoured that I'm a part of this wonderful event.
The day starts as early as 8am but I was early as I don't like people to wait for me. While I sat at the Mahkota Ballroom, Istana Hotel the beautiful models slowly show up. Once my employer, Mr. Benjamin Toong from Runway Productions show up, the work begins.
The models rehearse one round on the stage with the music as I make sure the models where in queue who is suppose to be out next. Once the practice is done, break time for the models to have their breakfast while waiting for the hair dresser and make up artist to show up. I'll make sure all the models are ready to get their hair and make up done and know where all the models would be.
As the time draw closer, I get more nervous as I did not do a good job in the previous fashion shows. Since this is a much bigger event, it is nerve wracking for me. As the emcee starts to announce "Let the show begins" all I got to do is concentrate and listen for the queue. Somehow the walkie-talkie between me and my boss has problem, there were some hick-ups. But overall the show went well, nothing major mistake except for one part where the models went out without the music.
This is actually another life experience for me that I would never dreamt that I would be involved in the fashion industry. Thank you Benjamin Toong from Runway Productions for giving such great opportunity.
All you beautiful people out there, be it pretty girls or handsome guys, if you're interested to be in the fashion industry or appear in some print ads or TV commercial (tvc) and of course, for those of you who need models and talents please contact as shown below.
tel: 012 4830 677