You have forsaken yourself,
You have given up yourself.
God give us choices,
We have to make,
God will guide us,
But what choice have we made.
I may not be God,
But I'm your friend,
A friendship with you, I got,
Remember it will never end.
The road my be hard to walk,
But you are not alone,
We can always talk,
With a happy tone.
My answer to my Daren's post.

There are almost unlimited ways for one to actually do their flower arrangement. It is almost the same as you do your painting, how the whole composition comes together with the use of the right vase, leafs and other flowers mixture. I’ve not gone through any training with the professionals and the only teachers I have are the internet and of course book stores. Whenever I’m out shopping, I’ll visit the book store while waiting for my friends to arrive.
What you see here is actually the Japanese way of flower arrangement called Ikebana. I’m not a pro in flower arrangement but the Ikebana do has a very distinct way of flower arrangement. The Ikebana has a distinct way of flower arrangement besides being artistic. The structure of a Ikebana is based on the scalene triangle delineated by three main points, usually twigs, considered in some schools to symbolize heaven, earth and man and in others sun, moon and earth. The container is also a key element of the composition, and various styles of pottery may be used in their construction.
Flowers arrangement does bring out an interior space if you know how and where to place them. As I always tell my students and interior space with design but without accessories it is just a plain design. Always visualize the room without all the accessories, what you see? Practically nothing much, is the accessories that live up the room.
As you can see these pictures here are all taken by me when I’m driving or stuck in the traffic. The sky is like a big canvas which has no end and the clouds are the ever changing image that makes everyday a different scene and special. The whole composition is so abstract and yet it is so beautiful. I may stuck in the traffic and yet it amazes me to look at the sky and eventually the thought of rushing home or stuck in the traffic are all gone.
In the busy cities we lived in the only beautiful scene I get to see is the ever changing sky. But of course you get to taste the wrath as well when the clouds turn grey and the rain starts to fall. That wouldn’t be a beautiful site and yet I’ve discover something unusual that when it rains at night and road is wet it actually reflect the street lights and creating a row of waterfalls as you move forward. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t grasp what I am trying to say here, but when I get the chance I will definitely take either a video or a picture to show you all.
Meantime try to visual what I’m trying to say when you have the chance to drive on a wet road at night with the street lamps along the road. Happy visualizing!!!

In our walks of life, we tend to meet all kinds of people, nice ones and occasionally some bad ones as well. Of course the bad ones don't stay long, as we tend to stay away from these people. But yet there are some who don't really see that they are the one giving problem. People have already started to give hints and yet his/her thoughts are still blinded.
Let's put it into simple words, when everyone treats you badly and you actually think they are not being good or kind to you and you moved on to another group of friends and yet the same thing happens. What comes to you mind first? You have problem, then you are on the road to recovery and you still can be saved. If one treated you badly then you can think it is probably his/her fault but when the whole group treats you badly, then it is obvious the problem is with you and not them.
It is obvious, how people treats you is because how you treat people. "You reap what you sew" it is a simple phrase from the bible and yet a Buddhist can understand such a phrase and why can't a common man.
This is fourth post about my students work on residential project. As I mention earlier on the Student’s Work: Dining & Kitchen (pt.2), this project is only targeted on dining and kitchen due to the short period of time to prepared before the semester break. As kitchen does play quite a major role in any home and we shouldn’t be lack of any knowledge regarding the kitchen, both dry and wet.
I do wish there are more time given, so that I would teach them more on the kitchen. Certain things to look out for before proceed with design, for instant like piping and electrical points. What are the things involved in the whole kitchen appliances, looping of wires and etc. I really had a great time lecturing this class, as they pay more attention to details and information given compared to the current class I’m lecturing now.
What I’ve featured here are practically two (2) students work, which I consider as good among the classmates. In the near future I will be featuring more of my student’s works which are worth mentioning if I still continue to lecture.
I’ve done this artwork for awhile and it was in my facebook. Ever since they change the layout, I couldn’t seem to locate some of the applications until recently. I just did it out of fun and was trying out using mouse to draw and is never an easy job to do. Holding a mouse to draw and holding a pencil to draw is totally different.
I did spend quite some time to understand how to fully utilize the software. If any of you are interested, go to facebook and search for “graffiti” application. I actually ran out of idea what to draw. Probably next time I should try my hands on abstract art on this facebook application. Who knows, something nice might just born.
Why do we pre-set a standard on everything before we even understand or know it? The world has a standard and do we need to follow the world standard or you set a standard for the world to follow. Is never an easy task to change everyone’s perception towards something they have believed in for years but I think is worth trying.
Because of the world standard it has actually pushed some of these people to move to extreme to get themselves in shape. Some even resort to unhealthy ways to slimmed down. If people who are fat but healthy, what is wrong with that? But when one try to be slim and yet not healthy, what is the point? Health is more important then anything.
These few days the weather is so unpredictable, one minute all hot and sunny and the next minute it’s wet and rainy. I’ve been troubled with some choice that I need to make. It is a choice between a job I love and a job that brings prospect.
I Have been torn in between these two choices. I have accepted the offer of the job that brings prospect and I have not served my time for my lecturing. I have the responsibility to actually finish off at least this whole semester. Finally, I made my move to call the new company to tell them about my situation. Both of us give and take, I’ve to served my time to at least end of the year, by then if the position has not been taken. I’ll go back and fill the position. If not I’ll move on with my lecturing career.
After all is said and done, my burden was totally lifted and my feeling is like a clear blue sky. All the clouds of doubts and troubles have all cleared up for now. It is going to come back in November. I leave the options open for the time being. As I slowly fallen in love with lecturing life. It is not that bad after all. The only thing I miss from the working world is the challenges and knowledge learned everyday.

Enjoy making these juices!!!

Enjoy the juices!!!

I reached there in the late evening and help to start the fire for barbeque. When the fire was almost started, we called to take our sits and eat something 1st while waiting for the fire to really start up. As I moved towards the table, I saw there were nasi lemak, fried bihon & spaghetti. Besides these, there is some more side dish from acar to curry chicken to sambal sotong. All these foods make me drool and I dug myself into the nasi lemak.
When I was done with my nasi lemak, I went straight back to the barbeque area and start on the chicken wings. To my surprise, there were more than just chicken wings, there were crabs, prawns, sotong balls, fish balls, marsh mellows, otak-otak, sweet potatoes and fishes, these are only for barbeque. The parents were really courteous to us.
When the barbeque session was almost done and we were sitting there enjoying our food and that is where we all start to eat, chat and sing. I really had a great time with this bunch of students of mine from the class of IA07C/D.
P/s: Thank you to

Featuring this time, another student’s work, back to the condo project. The used of color is not as good as the earlier condo project I’ve featured earlier but still it actually up to the standard compared to the most of the students in the class.
The space planning still needs some improvement but yet it is not too bad. Used of color still some too loud but overall the design ideas are there. Some minor set back would be dimension on the elevations are not enough. As this information are important during discussion and meeting.
There are definitely rooms for improvements. Just be more observant in design and everything around us. Everything is design for a purpose and when you look at images on magazines or in TV, try to strip everything off and you will actually see the actual design and it’s nothing much. What makes it nice is all the accessories being placed in the right positions with the right lighting.

So now you can enjoy my blog by clicking on the cute icon of me holding the RSS logo.

I’ve seen people have been doing up their yearbook and post their pictures on facebook. And I finally got my hands on it too. Do take a try too and see how you would look like when you’re in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and all the way 90’s. All Yearbook website need is just a front profile of your face, simple as that.
Due to the shortage of time, I have decided to give the class a small scale project. Which consist of wet and dry kitchen and a dining area. To me kitchen is as important as the rest of the house and it has a lot of cabinetry work to be done here. How you layout the whole kitchen area and the movements of each people using the kitchen are important.

Let not unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
I found this song while searching for another old song of theirs. The lead singer really do have a unique voice and I've yet to find out the name of this song. Enjoy!!!
1. At least five (5) hours of sleep the night before
2. No alcohol or medicine the night before
3. At least 45kg and above

p/s Lek Wei thank for accompanying me. Manage to see yourself in the pictures?