Love, Love, Love.

What is love? Why is love so powerful? In a lot of movies we see, love seems to conquer everything. In 10,000 B.C. (Before Christ) the movie, a man can travel through the highest mountains and deepest valley to have the one he loves. And in the recent Incredible Hulk the movie, he can do anything to protect the ones he loved. Not just this, in Four Brothers the movie, they come together to avenge their mother who got killed by robbers, because they love their mother. In Kung Fu Panda the movie, he can do anything because he loved food. So are just a few example that how powerful love can be.

And in the Christian context, love is actually divided into basically four types of love:-

Agape – this is basically selfless and charitable kind of love
Phileo – are the brotherly or sisterly love

Storge – love between the parents and children
Eros – the names says it all, the sexual love

And in Ancient Greek context love is divided into five. Four of them are exactly the same as the above. Just this additional one:-

Xenia - It was an almost ritualized friendship formed between a host and their guest, who could previously be strangers

And do you know love is divided into so many categories? Same may know and some may not know and I got to know when I’m in my teens. Even there are so many songs is about love, be it in love or break ups. How interesting can love be? It seems like everything centered around it and evolve around it as well. It’s definitely the most powerful weapon one could have.

Love is kind,
Love is wise.
But love can make you blind,
And leave you cold as ice.



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Dreaming day and night, That is what I do at most time, Waking from it I might, But when would be the right time.

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