
As most of you know, I have been searching for job since March and had no luck in getting any. So I start sewing some cushions to tell online to make a living in order to support myself during this hard times.

I have been thinking a lot and trying to do something that is totally not related to my field of work. A friend of mine has been talking about opening a printing shop to do colour printing and the idea was on and off as we could not find a good location with the right price. And finally we got to find it with almost the right price and I am already up for the challenge but then now, I might have to put that idea on hold or probably hault.

Just a few days back, I brought my cushion covers to meet a friend at a shopping mall since she is interested in them. As I passed by I saw my ex-lady boss which I use to work part-time for her and she is selling all the home deco stuff. The chance is here and I ask if she take consignment so that I could put my covers to sell there. And to my surprise she is up for it, which just makes my day seems brighter. And she offers me a part-time job too while I do my own stuff and looking for new opportunity.

I thought since now the economy is not that good, at least there is a job rather then nothing to support myself. But what about my colour printing shop that I wanted to start with my friend? Again my salary is solely base on sales which is not stable so is this part-time job. I'm totally caught in between.
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-Lek Wei- said...

make a brilliant decision need some time to consider. so, take your time. =)

Ken said...

but time is not on my side...

when the chance has pass, it is going to take another decade to come by again....

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Dreaming day and night, That is what I do at most time, Waking from it I might, But when would be the right time.

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