Saturday; June 21, 2008; 10:30pm

Due to some request, I’ve kept this article from being published and I think I kept it long enough to be published after keeping it for a week.

As I enter the my house, I’m surprise to see my parents at home as I thought they were back to hometown this morning to visit my aunty who’s not feeling well. And my dad just broke the news to me that my aunty just ‘migrated’. I’m pretty sure u know what is the meaning of migrate, to move from one country or place, and for our case, it is to move on to the next life.

This aunt is actually my mom’s eldest sister, she has a laugh like Lydia Sum and so is the size of her heart. In my memories of her has always been a very compassionate mother, she may talk loudly but with passion, she may grumble but with love. And she cooks the best sweet and sour salted fish fried eggs. I’m definitely going to miss her laugher that fills the room and the cooking aroma that fill the kitchen hallway.

Mdm. Chew Phaik See, age 72. She will be greatly missed by all of us who knows her for who she is. Have a pleasant journey to a new world



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Dreaming day and night, That is what I do at most time, Waking from it I might, But when would be the right time.

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