Change Climate Seminar

On August 5th, 2008 I post an article regarding a seminar on how to use kitchen waste to create enzyme that would help to change climate. I try to recruit people to go with me on this talk, at first everyone was very exited about it but in the end left only me and my friend when to this talk.

To my surprise there were more veteran there than youth there with ratio about 60:40. While waiting, there were video clips playing on the big screen on how the world has gradually changed. And of course with the emcee telling us information on how the earth has changed. It is knowledge that I think most people should know. Do you know all these while the overall earth temperature was below 0 degree (take all the temperature in the world add them up and divide it) until 1980 it actually move above 0 degree. In 2005 it reaches 0.8 degree and up to date it has reaches 0.9 degree and soon it will reach 1 degree.

With this temperature increase it affect a lot of things from agriculture to coral reefs, everything change just because the world climate has change. I will actually elaborate more on how this changes causes chain reaction and why do we go vegetarian probably on the next article. But now I’m leaving you some exercise that could helps to save our beautiful planet Earth at a minimum cost.



emilayusof said...

really great info! thank you for sharing, dear ken!

Ken said...

Most welcome, I'll be starting my own project soon. Just being apart to save the planet earth that is all.

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Dreaming day and night, That is what I do at most time, Waking from it I might, But when would be the right time.

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