Forwarded Mails

It is totally norm nowadays to receive forwarded mails from family and friends. I do have my regular suppliers of forwarded mails and I have my regular clienteles to forward my mails. There are so many kind of emails that I received that at times I’ve to totally just clear of my mail box that I know that I don’t have time go through them. Basically I only go for emails that have pictures and videos the rest I just delete them.

There is one particular email I don’t forward as well, it is email about a particular person.
For an example like the content would have this person photo and stories that written bad things about him or her. First of all I don’t know the person, it is unfair for me to forward out the email and spoil his or her reputation. How would I know, maybe the person who first started to email about it, he or she is the main mastermind who is all out to destroy that someone’s life.

The other emails that I wouldn’t forward would be anything related to our Malaysian Government.
I guess I watched too much TV as you will never know when your emails have been screen through. For all you know even your phone calls as well. You will never know how capable one government can do. I wouldn’t want to risk it all for just one forwarded mail, it is totally not worth my time spending in jail. That is how I see it but I’ve no idea what you people are thinking. I do know some people just forward mails without thinking the out come and chain reaction that could cause by just an email.



Anonymous said...

Yeah, I better stop forwarding those emails about M'sian politics. Better be safe than sorry.

Speaking of forwarded emails, I now stop forward emails that say donation would be made to a sick person if u forward the emails. I don't think that is real.

Another emails i hate is chain mails that say bad things would happen if u don't forward it.

Ken said...

Yeah. If I see those chain mails I totally delete them and not forward them at all. Donation being made if you forward the mails I don't think so. But mails regarding missing person I would still forward them.

Anonymous said...

yes, missing person emails should be forwarded... no harm.

Ken said...

but sometimes i wonder to forward or not as I usually check the first date appear on the email as i track back. Some are like years back.

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