Epidemic Strikes Again

What we see everyday that hits the front page of every newspaper is all about "Swine Flu" or a.k.a. H1N1 a new strain of influenza A virus.  I still remember back in November 2002, when SARS first strike, it was in every major news be in on TV, radio, internet and papers.  It create a world panic state and it took few months to settle it and few thousands have died.
And recently "Swine Flu" is on the rise, though the figure of death is still low but I believe prevention is better than cure.  Some people take likely over the matters and some are over reacting over it.  What should be done to contain this new strain of virus originated from Mexico?
This morning as I was driving back home and was listening to the radio and it was all about H1N1 and as I listen I think it is quite serious and actions should be done to stopped from spreading.  When they found out a Mexican tourist staying in a hotel in Hong Kong has the virus, actions were taken and start back tracing to prevent the virus from spreading, the chain reaction were quite serious.  The plane the man took has some taiwanese passenger and now they are trying to locates these people to make sure the right actions to be taken before it gets worst.
The new strain of virus are air-bourne and can you imagine how a chain reaction can cause the whole world into panic state.  To me SARS was more than enough and now with this H1N1, hopefully with the SARS experience, actions to prevent it from spreading are better equip in times like this.  The world is doing to hit with depression and now with this epidemic, it is going to be very bad to the economics, I pray everything is going to be alright very soon.



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Dreaming day and night, That is what I do at most time, Waking from it I might, But when would be the right time.

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