I Need A Home

The day after my Bangkok trip, early morning my mom came back after her morning walk with the neighboring housewives and says there is a kitten in the drain. So i followed her to see the kitten and to my surprise the little kitten is still alive in the wet drain and I seriously don't know how it got there as the location of the kitten is quite hard to reach and besides that the water would have drown the kitten before it reach that part of the drain.
My mom holding a stick and I was holding a dust pan, as my mom try to push the kitten to the dust pan and I am suppose to catch it before it fall to to the deeper part of the drain. Thank goodness it did not took us long to rescue the kitten and brought it back to clean and feed the kitten. The kitten where so small, about the size of my 2 palm put togather and before I could post it up here to ask for adoption my dad actually give it to a part-time cleaner who wanted the kitten.
All I can hope for now is, hope the little kitten have a good live. So anyone wanted cats or kitten please do let me know, at least next time when there is kitten I know who to look for before we crack our head how to handle the kitten.



Spiff, The Spaceman said...

Awww, kesian the kitten, I hope he's found a home by now ...

Ken said...

Yes he did...hope he is happy now :D

BTW I did tag you earlier but did not inform you, in this post


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Dreaming day and night, That is what I do at most time, Waking from it I might, But when would be the right time.

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