Text To Speech....

Need a translator? I found one that is good enough for me. As most of you know I do speaks Mandarin but somehow I don't read and write them, so it is quite troublesome for me to read chinese blogs as I only know a handful of chinese words and that is all.

If possible, I do not want to trouble my friends to read it out for me, as I know sometimes it is quite annoying. And finally I found something that helps me to read all the chinese blogs for me, it is call "Text To Speech" and all you got to do is cut paste the words into the box and select the language to be read. It is as simple as ABC, but bear in mind that it is a computer reading it, so don't expect it to be read like normal human being.
This amazing website reads in few languagues like English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish. Besides that, it also help to translate any languague to type to any language you want. But how accurate is it? Not so because it seems to direct translate what you type to other language and it sounds weird after translate to other language and the meaning totally different.



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Dreaming day and night, That is what I do at most time, Waking from it I might, But when would be the right time.

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