Eye Opener!!!

Ever since I started working part-time at IKANO Power Centre, it really opened my eyes to the world of wonders and I feel like I had some culture shock what I was about to share with you. As mentioned I worked in IKANO Power Centre and food there is never cheap and probably the cheapest would be the hotdogs at IKEA.
After I bought the hotdog I move to the island where all the toppings were, and I got startle buy this Malay girl with "tudung" come up from the corner of the island. Besides being startle I was shock to see her scooping all the chopped pickles and onions into a plastic bag in her back pack. No wonder when I reached the island the toppings where almost gone.
I leave her alone to do her scooping while i go look for a table to sit while I enjoy my lunch. As usual lunch time a little pack so I manage to get a table that is next to the carbonated dispenser machine. And the same girl is there filling up her cup with Pepsi and suddenly I realise she has been walking back and forth form the machine to the bin and she was actually filling the papercup with coke and bring to the bin there to pour into her water bottle until it is finally full only she left. Here is a video clip of her doing her last round of filling the Pepsi and a picture while filling the paper cup.

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Sometimes I just wonder why is she doing this? It just makes me feel like she would probably take home the toilet papers as well? What is on her mind? And there is actually a CCTV there.



emilayusof said...

lol! maybe she thought it's free and she felt right to tapau everything. On the other hand, it's not nice to do that, she should take only sufficient amount for what she bought.

Ken said...

yes, and she really put shame to herself and family and friends.

-Lek Wei- said...

maybe she need the pickles and onions and the drink to survive. lol. maybe she have some other reasons to do so that we do not know.

Ken said...

yeah how to survive with those pickles and onions and carbonated drinks? take them and sell? cook them?

If I get to see her again I would definitely ask her.

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Dreaming day and night, That is what I do at most time, Waking from it I might, But when would be the right time.

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