Thank You!!!

I would like to thank all my friends and their families in supporting me by buying some of my cushion covers and of course those who help to make it happen. I have been trying very hard to get things going and on the right track but it is never and easy task. And I am really bless that I have friends been giving me ideas to go about it and a lot of input which almost overloaded my harddisk space, which I'm still trying to absorb everything I can.

To my surprise some of my friends which I have lost contact with slowly resurface and just a week ago I met an old friend which I have lost contact for more than a year or two. And yesterday we meet up for a drink and catch up with old time sake, a lot of information being shared and casual chat.

Just these few days a lot, I have learned a lot from all my friends and it just keep my brain exercising and I think in a way it is good before my brain slow down since I have not been working for quite some time.

Once again I would like to thank you all those who have supported me, making Living Tapestry comes true, giving me ideas and last but not least my business partners for making it work.



Nessa said...

Hi Ken!

My post is up. Here's the link: ~

Living Tapestry Contest

Ken said...

Ok..will check it out... thank you for participating =)

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Dreaming day and night, That is what I do at most time, Waking from it I might, But when would be the right time.

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