
Well, it’s obvious that would be the equation (Energy = mass x velocity) and I’m definitely not talking about Mariah Carey’s latest album E=mc² (Emancipation of Mimi = Mariah Carey X 2). Our daily lives involve energy, and the main source of energy comes from the Sun.

Albert Einstein is perhaps the most famous scientist of this century. One of his most well-known accomplishments is the formula E=mc². I’m not some scientist or doctor but just a layman who knows basically nothing complicated like that equation. I rather not think so much as I’ve already have my own things to stress out with. The only think I could think of my source of energy don’t come from the sun but the cold hard cash I bring in.

In this dog eat dog world survival of the fittest is the most important thing. And it seems like money is everything to some people. With money it seems like the world is yours and the energy it emits are even greater than the sun. But I don’t worship money and I don’t think money is everything, it is the source of energy for me to wanting to work more if not we will just be a potato couch and wait for money to grow on tree. We just need some motivation to work that’s all, the force that drives me to work.



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Dreaming day and night, That is what I do at most time, Waking from it I might, But when would be the right time.

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