
When I look at this commercial, it always reminds me of how human can be so prejudice and unfair. As I did mention in one of my earlier post about “Beautiful People”, how they get away with things and this is a very good example.

Why do we pre-set a standard on everything before we even understand or know it? The world has a standard and do we need to follow the world standard or you set a standard for the world to follow. Is never an easy task to change everyone’s perception towards something they have believed in for years but I think is worth trying.

Because of the world standard it has actually pushed some of these people to move to extreme to get themselves in shape. Some even resort to unhealthy ways to slimmed down. If people who are fat but healthy, what is wrong with that? But when one try to be slim and yet not healthy, what is the point? Health is more important then anything.



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Dreaming day and night, That is what I do at most time, Waking from it I might, But when would be the right time.

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