Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia - fear of cancer
Cats in Bloom 2025
4 weeks ago
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So happy that my parents are taking part in it too, it was definitely a surprise when I reached him around 8:32pm all the lights were off. But sadly not all my neighbors are taking part, I'm sure it would be nice if they too do the same.
I guess everyone should know what phobia means right? Ok from, phobia means a persistent, irrational fear of a specific objec, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling designer to avoid it. I'm sure everyone would have at least one thing they fear most or even more, nobody knows. Here is a list of phobia and check it out yourself what you feared most and what is it called. BTW I've seperate them into few parts to release, too many of them.AAblutophobia - fear of washing or bathingAcarophobia - fear of itching or of the insects that cause itchingAcerophobia - fear of sournessAchluophobia - fear of darknessAcousticophobia - fear of noiseAcrophobia - fear of heightsAerophobia - fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious subtancesAeroacrophobia - fear of open high placesAeronausiphobia - fear of vomiting secondary to airsicknessAgateophobia - fear of insanityAgliophobia - fear of painAgoraphobia - fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.Agraphobia - fear of sexual abuseAgrizoophobia - fear of wild animalsAgyrophobia - fear of streets or crossing the streetAichmophobia - fear of needles or pointed objectsAilurophobia - fear of catsAlbuminurophobia - fear of kidney diseaseAlektorophobia - fear of chickensAlgophobia - fear of painAlliumphobia - fear of garlicAllodoxaphobia - fear of opinionsAltophobia - fear of heightsAmathophobia - fear of dustAmaxophobia - fear of riding in a carAmbulophobia - fear of walkingAmnesiphobia - fear of amnesiaAmychophobia - fear of scratches or being scratchedAnablephobia - fear of looking upAncraophobia - fear of wind (Anemophobia)Androphobia - fear of menAnemophobia - fear of air drafts or wind (Ancraophobia)Anginophobia - fear of angina, choking or narrownessAnglophobia - fear of England or English culture, etc.Angrophobia - fear of anger or of becoming angryAnkylophobia - fear of immobility of a jointAnthorophobia or Anthophobia - fear of flowersAnthropophobia - fear of people or societyAntlophobia - fear of floodsAnuptaphobia - fear of staying singleApeirophobia - fear of infinityAphenphosmphobia - fear of being touched (Haphephobia)Apiphobia - fear of beesApotemnophobia - fear of persons with amputationsArachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouthArachnephobia or Arachnophobia - fear of spidersArithmophobia - fear of numbersArrhenphobia - fear of menArsonphobia - fear of fireAsthenophobia - fear of fainting or weaknessAstraphobia or Astrapophabia - fear of thunder and lightning (Ceraunophobia, Keraunophobia)Astrophobia - fear of stars or celestial spaceAsymmetriphobia - fear of asymmetrical thingsAtaxiophobia - fear of ataxia (muscular incoordination)Ataxophobia - fear of disorder or untidinessAtelophobia - fear of imperfectionAtephobia - fear of ruin or ruinsAthazagoraphobia - fear of being forgotten or ignored or forgettingAtomosophobia - fear of atomic explosionsAtychiphobia - fear of failureAulophobia - fear of flutesAurophobia - fear of goldAuroraphobia - fear of NorthenlightsAutodysomophobia - fear of one that has a vile odorAutomatonophobia - fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues (anything that falsly represents a sentient being)Automysophobia - fear of being dirtyAutophobia - fear of being alone or of oneselfAviophobia or Aviatophobia - fear of flyingBBacillophobia - fear of microbesBacteriophobia - fear of bacteriaBallistophobia - fear of missles or bulletsBolshephobia - fear of BolsheviksBarophobia - fear of gravityBasophobia or Basiphobia - inability to stand. Fear of walking or fallingBathmophobia - fear of stairs or steeps slopesBathophobia - fear of depthBatophobia - fear of heights or being close to high buildingsBatrachophobia - fear of amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc.Belonephobia - fear of pins and needles (Aichmophobia)Bibliophobia - fear of booksBlennophobia - fear of slimeBogyphobia - fear of bogeys or the bogeymanBotanophobia - fear of plantsBromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia - fear of body smellsBrontophobia - fear of thunder and lightingBufonophobia - fear of toadsCCacophobia - fear of uglinessCainophobia or Cainotophobia - fear of newness, noveltyCaligynephobia - fear of beautiful women
Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia - fear of cancerCardiophobia - fear of the heartCarnophobia - fear of meatCatagelophobia - fear of being ridiculedCatapedaphobia - fear of jumping from high and low placesCathisophobia - fear of sittingCatoptrophobia - fear of mirrorsCenophobia or Centophobia - fear of new things or ideasCeraunophobia - Keraunophobia - fear of thunder and lightings (Astraphobia, Astrapophobia)Chaetophobia - fear of hairCheimaphobia or Cheimatophobia - fear of cold (Frigophobia, Psychophobis)Chemophobia - fear of Chemicals or working with chemicalsCherophobia - fear of gaietyChionophobia - fear of snowChiraptophobia - fear of being touchedChirophobia - fear of handsCholerophobia - fear of anger or the fear of choleraChorophobia - fear of dancingChrometophobia or Chrematophabia - fear of moneyChromophobia or Chromatophobia - fear of colorsChronophobia - fear of timeChronomentrophobia - fear of clocksCibophobia - fear of food (Sitophobia, Sitiophobia)Claustrophobia - fear of confined spacesCleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia - fear of being locked in an enclosed placeCleptophobia - fear of stealingClimacophobia - fear of starts, climbing or of falling downstairsClinophobia - fear of going to bedClithrophobia or Cleithrophobia - fear of being enclosedCnidophobia - fear of stingsCometophobia - fear of cometsCoimetrophobia - fear of cemeteriesCoitophobia - fear of coitusContreltophobia - fear of sexual abuseCoprastasophobia - fear of constipationCoprophobia - fear of fecesConsecotaleophobia - fear of chopticksCoulrophobia - fear of clownsCounterphobia - the preference by a phobic for fearful situationsCremnophobia - fear of precipicesCryophobia - fear of extreme cold, ice or frostCrystallophobia - fear of crystals or glassCyberphobia - fear of computer or working on a computerCyclophobia - fear of bicyclesCymophobia or Kymophobia - fear of waves or wave the motionsCynophobia - fear of dogs or rabiesCypridophobia or Cypriphobia or Cyprianophobia or Cyprinophobia - fear of prostitues venereal diseaseDDecidophobia - fear of making decisionsDefecaloesiophobia - fear of painful bowels movementsDeipnophobia - fear of dining or dinner conversationsDementophobia - fear of insanityDemonophobia or Daemonophobia - fear of demonsDemophobia - fear of crowds (Agoraphobia)Dendrophobia - fear of treesDentophobia - fear of dentistDermatophobia - fear of skin lesionsDermatosiophobia or Dermatophobia or Dermatopathophobia - fear of skin diseaseDextrophobia - fear of objects at the right side of the bodyDiabetophobia - fear of diabetesDidaskaleinophobia - fear of going to schoolDikephobia - fear of justiceDinophobia - fear of dizziness or whirlpoolsDiplophobia - fear of double visionDipsophobia - fear of drinkingDishabiliophobia - fear of undressing in front of someoneDomatophobia - fear of houses or being in a house (Eicophobia, Oikophobia)Doraphobia - fear of fur or skins of animalsDoxophobia - fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praiseDromophobia - fear of crossing streetsDutchphobia - fear of the DutchDysmorphophobia - fear of deformityDystychiphobia - fear of accidentsEEcclesiophobia - fear of churchEcophobia - fear of homeEicophobia - fear of home surroundings (Domatophobia, Oikophobia)Eisoptrophobia - fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirrorElectrophobia - fear of electricityEleutherophobia - fear of freedomElurophobia - fear of cats (Ailurophobia)Emetophobia - fear of vomitingEnetophobia - fear of pinsEnochlophobia - fear of crowdsEnosiophobia or Enissophobia - fear of having committed and unpardonable sin of criticismEntomophobia - fear of insectsEosophobia - fear of dawn or daylightEphebiphobia - fear of teenagersEpistaxiophabia - fear of nosebleedsEpistemophobia - fear of knowledgeEquinophobia - fear of horsesEremophobia - fear of being oneself or of lonlinessEreuthrophobia - fear of blushingErgasiophobia - 1. fear of work of functionin 2. surgeon's fear of operatingErgophobia - fear of workErotophobia - fear of sexual love or sexual questionsEuphobia - fear of hearing good newsEurotophobia - fear of remale genitaliaErythrophobia - Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia - 1. fear of redlights 2. Blush 3. Red
Dreaming day and night, That is what I do at most time, Waking from it I might, But when would be the right time.